GameSave Might Just Save Your Life


Videogames are fun and make for great stress relievers, but if Seattle's GameSave event goes as planned, they mightiness too preserve lives.

Remember that huge earthquake that affected Nihon in March? The devastation and loss of human life-time was on a scale normally reserved for war zones, owing primarily to the fact that a quake of that size was boundary line unimaginable to the vast majority of its victims. Disdain all our innovative science and technology, humans panic when the very ground under our feet rebels against US.

That's why it's crucial that communities be knowing on what to coif in the issue of a disaster prior to it actually occurring. Embark: GameSave, a Seattle-based gathering of developers, hackers and pinch response personnel with the finish of creating games that can Edward Thatch people cataclysm relief techniques that may save lives in the event of a cataclysmic emergency.

The idea is the brainchild of Gameranx lead editor Annie Dennisdóttir Wright and Willow Brugh, an employee of Geeks Without Bound, a "non-for-profit alliance of hackers, coders and geeks united by the common goal of assisting communities in distress." During a recent discussion of the "games nates be many than just entertainment" ideals espoused by gamification advocate Jane McGonigal, the two ladies wondered how games might be put to consumption in helping victims suchlike those they'd seen in the recent Pacific Rim earthquakes.

Initially Wright and Brugh envisioned the creation of a one-member game, simply quickly realized that the matched tone of multiple development groups could be leveraged toward making binary games all covering multiple aspects of the visualise's potentially life-saving educational textile. So the GameSave conception was born As a traditional five-week "hack-a-thon," gathering teams of developers to hack together the most serviceable package come-at-able.

It stiff to be seen if GameSave will in reality achieve its lofty goals when the upshot kicks unsatisfactory in after-hours June, but if the optimistic support the project has already attracted (including praise from White Home tech Guru Thomas Kalil) is any denotation, this is decidedly a project to observe an eye on.

If you're interested in learning more than about GameSave, or would wish to actually enter the hack-a-thon yourself, you can line up full details at the event's official website.

Source: GameSave, via The Atlantic


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