The One Thing You Should Know About Wwi

In popular imagination the First World War is associated with the trenches of France and Kingdom of belgium, the beaches of Gallipoli, and the deserts of Arabia. The following images – the bulk sourced from Historic England's Archives – highlight some surprising and fiddling-known stories of the war's impact on England.

1. Troops were prepared for boxing

Training trenches at Beacon Hill, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire (NMR24863-047)
Training trenches at Buoy Loma, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire (NMR24863-047)

It is commonly believed that ill-trained troops were sacrificed in the trench war against the Germans on the Western Front end. But archaeological testify in England, in the form of elaborate training trenches, instructional models and full-size mock-ups of the German lines, is increasingly revealing the military'southward attempts to provide soldiers with realistic preparation. Despite these preparations, the murderous firepower of artillery and machine-guns meant that millions died on the battlefields.

ii. People feared German invasion

Infantry blockhouse (pillbox), Spurn Point, East Riding, Yorkshire © Roger J.C. Thomas
Infantry blockhouse (pillbox), Spurn Bespeak, East Riding, Yorkshire © Roger J.C. Thomas

Most people recollect pillboxes were constructed in the Second Earth War but in fact they were originally built to counter fears of invasion in vulnerable areas during the First World War.

3. 700,000 women entered the workforce

Two female workers at Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex (BB94/08006)
Ii female person workers at Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex (BB94/08006)

During the war women increasingly entered the previously male-dominated industries. By the end of the war effectually 700,000 were employed in metals and chemical works, the majority producing munitions. One very visible effect of this change was the growing acceptability of trousers as an item of women's wear.

4. Millions of horses were used by the warring nations

Remount Depot, Aborfield, Berkshire, where horses destined for the Western Forepart were temporarily housed © Wayne D. Cocroft

Horses served in a traditional function in the cavalry, but were as well required in vast numbers past the send services. Britain sent agents all over the globe to buy tens of thousands of horses and mules, peculiarly from the United States and Commonwealth of australia. The animals arrived in converted ships and were housed in vast stable complexes known as Remount Depots, frequently nigh railway lines, prior to being shipped to the forepart.

5. Tanks were first used at the Battle of the Somme

Tank Erecting Shop, Fosters of Lincoln © Imperial War Museum (IWM Q48212)
Tank Erecting Shop, Fosters of Lincoln © Imperial War Museum (IWM Q48212)

In 1915 David Lloyd George, the Government minister of Munitions, declared 'this is an engineer's war.' And in the aforementioned year Fosters of Lincoln, a firm of agricultural machinery manufacturers and engineers was awarded the contract to manufacture a new weapon, the tank, for which there were corking hopes.

On xv September 1916, but 49 were deployed on the Somme – the weapon'southward offset use on the battlefield – but in November 1917 over 400 went frontwards at the Battle of Cambrai, the first significant utilize of tanks in boxing. In all, over 3,000 tanks were manufactured in Britain during the Get-go World War.

6. Britain manufactured and used poison gas

National Filling Factory, Northamptonshire. Drivers on the M40 today pass over a former poisonous substance gas factory. Its earthwork remains in bushes to the right of the image are a scheduled monument. (NMR1544-15)

Poison gas was outset used by the Germans on the Western Front in the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915. United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland responded by manufacturing a number of 'war gases' at several locations across England, and in Banbury, a local engineering science house perfected a automobile for filling mustard gas shells.

The earthwork remains of National Filling Factory in Banbury are protected equally a scheduled monument, equally is the circular gas-testing trench at Idmiston Down, Wiltshire.

seven. Scroll on/coil off ferries were developed

Lost port of Richborough, Kent (Aerofilms EPW000660)
Lost port of Richborough, Kent (Aerofilms EPW000660)

The Port of Richborough in Kent was a 2,200 acre, state-of-the-art port, built by Majestic Engineers from scratch in merely two years. From 1916, it handled nearly all the hardware of state of war shipped to French republic, too as salvage in the course of spent shells and damaged vehicles which were brought back to Great britain from France. Information technology employed twenty,000 men housed in three big army camps.

Information technology was here at Richborough that Roll On/Roll Off ferries were developed to speed upwards loading and unloading. Very lilliputian remains today, withal, one of its innovative loading ramps was relocated post-state of war to Harwich and later protected with a Grade II listing.

8. Many Indians, Africans, African-Caribbeans and Chinese served aslope the British

The Muslim burial ground at Horsell Common in Surrey, was established in 1917 to inter soldiers of the Indian Army who died in war hospitals on the south coast. English Heritage is supporting Woking Borough Council and the Horsell Common Preservation Society in their restoration of the burial ground. Listed Grade II. (BL23738_006)
The Muslim burying basis at Horsell Common in Surrey, was established in 1917 to inter soldiers of the Indian Army who died in state of war hospitals on the south coast. English language Heritage is supporting Woking Borough Quango and the Horsell Mutual Preservation Lodge in their restoration of the burial basis. Listed Grade 2. (BL23738_006)

Many people from all over the British Empire volunteered to serve Uk in the First Globe State of war, not only on the front line but also in the Labour Corps on structure projects, such as the Chinese Wall sea defences at Orford Ness, Suffolk, and on the Western Front handling supplies and building camps.

9. Buildings in London were damaged during the war

Zeppelin raid damage to the window of the chapel at Lincoln's Inn, City of London. 1915 (DD55_00003)
Zeppelin raid impairment to the window of the chapel at Lincoln's Inn, Urban center of London. 1915 (DD55_00003)

During the First Earth State of war, Britain was the first country to suffer set on from a sustained, strategic, aerial bombing offensive. Bombing past German airships lone killed 557 people and in London many historic buildings were damaged, including this medieval window in Lincoln's Inn, London. In the City, plaques and scarred buildings still bear witness to these attacks.

x. Major advances were fabricated in prosthetics

A young man sits next to his prosthetic leg at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, the main English limb-fitting hospital. (BL24278)
A man sits next to his prosthetic leg at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, the main English limb-plumbing equipment hospital. (BL24278)

Many servicemen lost limbs or were severely disfigured during the war. This led to not bad advances in the evolution and product of prosthetic limbs and in pioneering plastic surgery.

Further Links

  • Find out more than most disability in the First Globe War
  • Kickoff Earth State of war: Traces of the Home Front


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