Facts About Beef Facts About Beef in Indiana

Beef Cattle

Cattle are raised in every state of the U.S., including Indiana, which is home to more than 800,000 cows and cattle. The average sized cattle herd on a U.South. farm is 40 head. More than fifty percent of cattle grown in the U.S. come from the top five cattle producing states: Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, California and Oklahoma.

Beef is meat from total-grown cattle. It takes most 2 years for cattle to be full-grown. Cuts of beef include steaks, roasts, brisket, hamburger and others. A live steer weighs about i,000 pounds and yields about 450 pounds of edible meat. In that location are at least fifty breeds of beef cattle, but fewer than 10 make upwards most cattle produced. Beef is an of import function of our diet. It is a skilful source of zinc, iron and protein; these nutrients help proceed our body salubrious and growing.

We get more than than meat from beef cattle. Hundreds of unlike byproducts come from the animals. Byproducts are non-nutrient items like paint, candles, crayons, leather, glue, insulin for diabetics and then on. Basically, annihilation that has one or more ingredient from an animal or ingather is a byproduct. Considering of byproducts, nosotros are able to use 99 percent of every steer.

  • Beefiness Cattle Vocabulary:

    • Beef: the meat that comes from beef cattle. Hamburger, steak and brisket are some examples of beefiness.
    • Bovine: of or relating to the subfamily Bovinae, which includes cattle.
    • Bull: a male moo-cow used for breeding.
    • Branding: process used to place cattle.
    • Byproducts: all products, except for beef, that come from beef cattle.
    • Calf: cattle less than one year sometime.
    • Cow: a female cow that has given birth to a dogie.
    • Heifer: a female cow that has not produced a calf.
    • Hibernate: animal pare treated for human use, such equally leather from cattle.
    • Iron: a mineral needed past our bodies to carry many essential functions. Beef is a great source of iron.
    • Protein: is in every living cell in our bodies and is necessary for the growth of healthy muscles, organs, peel and hair.
    • Ruminant: animals, such as cattle, that have multiple compartments in their tummy. They first chew their food to soften it, swallow it and then render information technology to their oral fissure for continued chewing. This is called chewing the cud.
    • Silage: fermented corn, wheat or hay, along with the stalks and leaves, which is chopped and fed to cattle.
    • Steer: a male cow not used for breeding.
    • Zinc: a mineral used for growth and fighting off illnesses.
  • Beef Cattle Facts:

    • When a calf is born, information technology weighs about sixty-100 pounds. Over the next few months, each calf volition live off its mother's milk and graze on grass.
    • Calves are weaned from their mother's milk at most 6-ten months of age, when they counterbalance between 450-700 pounds. These calves continue to graze.
    • Information technology takes anywhere from two-3 years to bring beef from farm to fork.
    • Cattle drink about a bathtub full of water and consume forty pounds of feed daily.
    • Cattle can weigh betwixt ane,200-1,400 pounds at market place weight.
    • Cattle produce hundreds of byproducts such as soaps, lotions, leather for clothes and shoes, candy, marshmallows, glue and fertilizer. Nearly 99 percent of the creature is used for food or for non-food products.
    • More 100 medicines come from cattle, including insulin and estrogen.
    • Ane cowhide can be fabricated into 144 baseballs, xx footballs, 18 soccer assurance, 18 volleyballs, or 12 basketballs.

    Indiana Beef Facts:

    • Indiana ranks 34th in beef cattle raised and 22nd in number of beefiness cattle farms.
    • Washington County has the about beefiness cattle, with nine,100 caput of animals.
  • Animate being Intendance Facts:

    Livestock farmers piece of work hard each day to make sure that the animals in their herds are well taken intendance of. The creature'due south health is the height priority to beefiness cattle farmers. Nutritious diets, safe living atmospheric condition and good medical intendance are essential. Beef cattle are raised on farms or ranches.

    Cattle raised on ranches graze on the range, and cattle raised on farms graze on pasture. Western U.S. ranches can be very large and consist of a few m to tens of thousands of acres. Farmers & ranchers in western states, like Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, California and Oklahoma, generally heighten their herds on ranches, because the soils in those states are non able to grow row crops and brand a profit for their farm.

  • Questions & Answers:

    Q: Why exercise you lot sell steers?

    A: Steers are male person cattle that can't exist used for breeding. Their purpose is to produce meat.

    Q: Tin can y'all become milk from beef cattle?

    A: You lot can milk any cow (beefiness or dairy) only the yield will exist lower on beef cattle. If the dogie is with the female parent, it will consume most, if not all, of the milk.

    Source: Beef.org

Common Breeds


Angus are a breed of cattle ordinarily used in beef production.


Hereford is a beef cattle breed, widely used both in farthermost and temperate climates, mainly for meat production.


Charolais are a beef brood of cattle (Bos taurus) which originated in Charolais in French republic.


Limousin are a breed of highly muscled beef cattle, originating from the Limousin and Marche regions of France.


Shorthorn are colored red, white or roan – which is brownish dappled with grey or white. Roan cattle are preferred by some and completely white animals are not mutual.


Source: https://www.infarmbureau.org/barntours/beef-cattle.html

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